
Python tools for validating and rendering iSamples vocabularies.

Generate Markdown

$ vocab markdown example/data/example.ttl > example/example.md 

Where a vocabulary is made up from multiple parts (e.g. one or more extensions), all vocabulary parts may be loaded and documented as a single markdown file by including all the source files in the command. e.g.:

$ vocab markdown example/data/example.ttl \
    example/data/extension_example.ttl \
    example/data/extension_extension.ttl \
    example/data/beer.ttl > example/example.qmd


Use poetry for development work.

For other use, create a python virtual environment and

pip install \

To enable the SPARQL service endpoint, also install uvicorn and rdflib-endpoint:

pip install \
uvicorn git+https://github.com/vemonet/rdflib-endpoint.git@main