Slot: identifier
A string that identifies some resource. Expectation is that it is a URI that is resolvable to some useful represenation of the resource.
URI: isam:identifier
Applicable Classes
Name | Description |
SamplingSite | Documentation of the site where the sample was collected, wtih place name(s) and a geospatial location. |
MaterialSampleCuration | Information about the current storage of sample, access to sample, and events in curation history. Curation as used here starts when the sample is removed from its original context, and might include various processing steps for preservation. Processing related to analysis preparation such as crushing, dissolution, evaporation, filtering are considered part of the sampling method for the derived child sample.
IdentifierObject | Object to represent an identified concept; property values from vocabularies with resolvable identifiers for vocabulary terms. Either a label or identifier is required, to allow for cases that a URI is not available. Data validation process will need to be used for properties that require an identified term value (e.g. has_context_category, has_material_category, has_sample_object_type).
Agent | Object to represent a person who plays a role relative to sample collection or curation.
SamplingEvent | Information about the event resulting in the creation of the material sample. Include information about permitting in the authorized_by property. The sampling procedure should be described in the description. If any special protocols were followed in the sampling procedure, they should be documented using the MaterialSampleRecord/complies_with property.
: Classes in which this slot appears. {tbl-colwidths=“[30,70]”}
- Range: xsd:anyURI
- Multivalued: None
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
LinkML Source
name: identifier
description: 'A string that identifies some resource. Expectation is that it is a
URI that is resolvable to some useful represenation of the resource.
rank: 1000
domain: IdentifierObject
alias: identifier
- Agent
- IdentifierObject
- SamplingSite
- SamplingEvent
- MaterialSampleCuration
range: uriorcurie